Feel confident taking your entire family to our friendly office for everything from mole removal to gynecology services to chronic disease follow up. Receive a high level of personalized care for all your general medical treatments. Your health matters to us and we are dedicated to providing you with the best service.
Please bring your routine prescription refills to your appointment to avoid requests in between office visits, which results in a $5 charge per prescription.
Dr. Stafford performs first through third class exams.
All pilots must register for a medical card prior to scheduling an appointment on: www.medxpress.faa.gov
In the case of a life-threatening situation, go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room or call 911 for immediate help.
Many urgent problems such as lacerations, sprains, broken bones, head injuries, etc. can be handled either in the office, at a walk-in clinic, or in the emergency room. If an emergency does occur, please call before coming so we can advise if you should be treated here or at the hospital. Treatment in our office may save a considerable amount of time and money over emergency room visits.
At night and on weekends, please call the regular office number (269-428-2552). The answering machine will direct you to Gene or Dr. Stafford’s pager number.
Appointments may be scheduled with our office staff by calling 269-428-2552. Please be prepared to describe your medical problem to members of our staff so adequate time may be scheduled for your appointment.
If you are a new patient, prior to your first visit, please complete our New Patient Registration Form, HIPAA Policy and Consent Form, and Patient Consent Form available at the links below. Forms may also be picked up at our office.
Prescription refills need to be addressed at your regular office visits.
Telephoning our office between appointments for routine medication refills will be discouraged. In the event you need a prescription to be refilled before a visit can be scheduled, at least 24 hours or more will be needed for us to respond to your request. There will be a $5.00 charge for prescription refills called into the office between visits.
Our office does not currently accept new patients.
We will accept assignment from Medicare and most commercial insurance companies. Co-pays, deductibles, and co-insurance amounts are payable on the day of service. Any fees which are not covered by your insurance will be billed to you. Statements are sent monthly if you have a balance due. Past due balances over 120 days old will be sent to collections.
Please bring your insurance card(s) and a photo ID (driver’s license or state ID) to every appointment. Payments are accepted by cash, check, VISA, Discover, and Master Card.
Closed for lunch 12:00PM – 1:00PM
Monday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Tuesday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Wednesday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Thursday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
We don’t accept patients when third party billing is required. This would include auto collision injuries, workman’s compensation injuries, Injury at a store or restaurant which is picking up medical expenses.